
Whakahau Rongoā

Prescriptions at Queen Street Medical

Filling prescriptions is one of our most important roles at Queen Street Medical. In many cases, patients will need to go elsewhere to fill their prescriptions from their doctors, but here you can do it all at one convenient location. After you’ve seen your doctor, you are able to visit Queen Street Pharmacy through the reception door and have your prescription filled.

It will usually only take 5-10 minutes for your prescription to be ready, at which point one of the amazing pharmacists will talk you through the directions and anything you should be aware of when taking the medication. This is also the time to ask any questions you may have about your medication.

Repeat Prescriptions

Some medications are ongoing, in which case you will need a repeat prescription to get regular top ups.

When you are running low on your medication, you can either order a new one through your patient portal, through our website or by ringing through to the prescription line.  We ask for 48 hours’ notice to prepare your repeat prescription. Keep in mind, you will generally need to visit your doctor every 12 months to renew any repeat prescriptions so they can check on your health and make adjustments to the prescriptions as required.

Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about your filling your prescription or speak to your doctor immediately if you have any adverse reactions to your medication.

Patient Information a repeat prescription is more than just a click of button!

 Despite what many may think, a prescribing doctor or nurse practitioner needs to check a number of routine things before they can issue a repeat prescription.

A prescription is a legal document. To issue a prescription, a prescriber needs to check that your prescription meets the clinical requirements of the Medical Council and the legal requirements of the Medicines Regulations.

  • When was the last time you were seen by a clinician either in-clinic or virtually? This is important as you may need clinical review. Prescribers can legally only roll over a prescription a certain number of times, depending on the condition, how stable it is, the type of medication, and best practice protocols. You may need to have a clinical measurement or blood test to ensure that the drug does not do you harm, or that it is still producing the clinical results required.
  • When was the last time blood tests and other monitoring were done? This is especially important if you are on medications for management of a long-term condition. If this has not been done within the last 12 months, you may be given a short supply of your medications and asked to go for a blood test or ECG.
  • Were you in or have you seen an external specialist, or had surgery with an external specialist recently? While we receive discharge summaries from some external providers, we need to check whether any medications have changed, been stopped or been added.
  • Whether the timing of the prescription is appropriate.  Many patients forget they have a repeat prescription available at the pharmacy. Check there first if unsure. Sometimes it may not be appropriate to re-prescribe medicines, for example-controlled drugs, as these prescriptions are only valid for 30 days.
  • Whether there are any medicines that won’t work well together. This happens often when you are asking for a medication that has not been prescribed for a while. You may have had other medications prescribed in the meantime that could interact or are now contra-indicated – sometimes this occurs after medications are started or changed by a specialist or hospital.
  • Please make requests for repeat prescriptions before you’re due to run out of medication as you may not be able to be issued a repeat without a review with your doctor.  Remembering that it can take 2 to 3 weeks to get an appointment with your doctor.
  • You may request a repeat prescription without an appointment, but your doctor may determine that it is inappropriate to prescribe without seeing you.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription:

  • You can request a repeat prescription by your patient portal, website or by phoning the prescription line.
  • Please be ready with the name and spelling of the medication/s you are requesting.
  • Charges apply for all repeat prescriptions except for under 14s.  Our list of charges is at the front desk and on our website.
  • Prescriptions can take up to 48 working hours to process, depending on demand.
  • If a doctor decides that providing a repeat prescription is not appropriate without an appointment, you will be advised to arrange an appointment for you with your doctor.
  • If you have an overdue debt, you may be asked to pick your prescription up from reception and payment on the day will be required.


Date of Birth(Required)

Please enter the name of the medication, strength, and quantity. Put each medication on a new line. Please ensure you have your current medications in front of you for accuracy.

Fax to Pharmacy

If you wish your prescription to be faxed to a pharmacy, please enter the name of the pharmacy and their fax number. Leave these fields blank if you do not wish to use this service.